Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

The Wizardry Of Words ~ Keisha Clark



Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark  Has it occurred to you that you are a potent creator?  Has it dawned on you that words are one of your most potent tools of creation?  The wizardry of words is at work in your life, every moment of every day - with every word you say, think, read or write.  You are welcome to discount them, but that doesn't prevent them from shaping the experiences and adventures of your life.  You are going to create - you can't not create.  So how much could you be willing to use the wizardry of words to your advantage? You might just be delightfully surprised with what you are capable of.   ~ More Aligning Divine With Keisha Clark ~ Aligning Divine is all about lining up with Your Divine Essence and living it every day!  Keisha Clark is inviting you to a fresh perspective of being “a spiritual being having a human experience.”  What would you like it to be, for you? We will dive into topics to inspire and invite you to re-cognize and re-member your Divine Nature, and to become more resona