Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

The Highest Common Denominator ~ with Keisha Clark



Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What is our Highest Common Denominator? Don't worry - no math skills are required to enjoy this week's show!  We are simply having a bit of fun with a different perspective of a mathematical phrase that has been interestingly applied to describe particular types of people in society - that actually does not have anything to do with what it mathematically means.  The word 'denominator' refers to the parts that make up a whole.  So what awareness and/or Knowing might we be hiding from ourselves, about our parts and being whole?  And are we willing to Know beyond the lowest or least things we have in common with each other? ~ More about Living Beyond Linear with Keisha Clark ~ Are you ready to be done with trying to make sense of your life?  Or trying to make your life make sense to everyone else?  What if the life that actually works for You makes no sense, is totally unpredictable, and goes way outside the box of conventionality?  Would you be courageous enough