Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Animals Are Not Crackers ~ with Special Co-Host, Lilaroo!



Living Beyond Linear Radio Show with Keisha Clark What would our lives be like, if there were no animals?  Really - give that a couple minutes of pondering - What are you aware of? Do you get a sense of how incredibly different our experience on this planet would be, if there were no other creatures to share it with?  Whether you like them or don't - animals touch all of our lives in some way. Join Keisha and her Special Co-Host, Lilaroo ~ in Celebrating the blessings of animals, this week - Are we truly willing to receive the gifts animals offer to us? And are we willing to be a contribution to them? Find Keisha on Facebook ~ Have a listen to the new song by Keisha Clark and Jay Adkins ~ Global Embrace ~ here - And you can email your questions or comments to