Social Power

2: The Save the Joiners Arms Campaign



The campaign to Save the Joiners Arms, a much-loved LGBTQ+ venue in East London, was launched when developers sought to shut it down to make way for luxury flats. Since then, the Friends of the Joiners Arms have fought to save their venue as an Asset of Community Value and to keep the spirit of the pub alive until it can re-open.  This podcast features Dwayne Clark, who was involved in the project, John Pierce a local Councillor in the Joiner's Arms' neighbourhood and Liam Barrington-Bush, a community organiser.  The podcast is introduced by Chloe Hardy and produced by Whistledown Productions. It was recorded in front of an audience at the Sheila McKechnie Foundation. If you would like to learn more about how social change works and campaigning we hold regular training with expert campaigners, for more information visit our website and sign up to our newsletter: You can also follow the Sheila McKechnie Foundation @smkcampaigners for regular news. #soc