Ltt Listen To This With Cliff & Sharon

132: Yuk! The worst tastes...and other stories - #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon 132



Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). In Episode 132...more truly strange but true news (no fake news here) ... 5. The mirror that makes you smile... 4. You go girl! Sharon details the three people that annoyed her in just one single day...and how she dealt with them. She feels good... 3. Like to sing loudly in your car? Let’s hope it works out better for you than this Canadian driver... 2. Tiny little candies...say no more... 1. What are the worst tastes? We have the list...and one of them really has us scratching our heads... You can subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at all good podcatcher apps, including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Podbean, Radio Public, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US & Canada only), etc. RSS feed: For more odd and weird news, follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+ : Facebook: @lttpodcast twitter: @LTTpodcast Google+: If