Ltt Listen To This With Cliff & Sharon

129: Worst First Date Ever! - #LTT - Listen To This with Cliff & Sharon Episode 91



Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly). In Episode 91...more truly strange but true news (no fake news here) ... 5. Air tambourine...apparently it’s a thing….goes great with air guitar... 4. Sharon’s cat Lucy...well...she likes to lick ‘down there’ while public...oh dear... 3. Twinkie Vodka...say no more... 2. Trending dog names in may find inspiration right here... 1. And this guy would have to be a stand out candidate for the title of Worst First Date Ever! You can subscribe, rate and review #LTT - Listen To This at all good podcatcher apps, including iTunes, audioBoom, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Podbean, Radio Public, iHeartRadio, Google Play (US & Cananda only) etc. RSS feed: For more odd and weird news, follow us on Facebook, twitter and Google+: Facebook: @lttpodcast twitter: @LTTpodcast Google+: If you're enjoying our podcast, please help spread the word