Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

House Calls Are Back and Neuro Film Festival



Chirag Patel MD Chief Medical Officer of Hansa Medical Groupe will join us today to discuss his Medical Concierge Service Model…”The Horse and Buggy Service of House Calls isn’t new, it’s just not utilized much these days.”  Here how this type of service can really help those in need Hansa Medical Groupe is a novel concierge practice in which the physician comes to the patients/members' home for their appointments. Service and care is provided at the members' convenience. Your Physician at Hansa is available and ready to respond 24 hours a day. This is the first in-home concierge style medical practice in the region. Please browse our website for more information on why we believe this program provides the premier medical service in the greater Chicago area. Contact Information: Hansa Medical Groupe Office/Emergency/Answering Service:847.920.0902 Website: Christine Phelps with the American Academy of Neurology will talk about the 2012 Neuro Film F