Charmed Life With Tricia Carr

326: 2027 Prophecy in Human Design, A Paradigm Shift with Erin Claire Jones, Human Design Guide



Tricia Carr is joined by the brilliant Human Design Guide and Teacher, Erin Claire Jones. They delve into the fascinating world of Human Design, a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that provides insights into a person's energetic makeup and empowers them to live their happiest, healthiest, and highest potential. Tune in to this exciting conversation and explore the prophecy in Human Design of a major paradigm shift occurring in 2027.  Key points include:The significance of the 2027 astrological transition and the new paradigm it brings.The acceleration of personal and individual awakenings in recent years.The potential for decentralization and the shift in power dynamics in the digital world.The possibility of open contact with extraterrestrial beings and its impact on human consciousness.The potential for healing the planet and addressing the climate crisis in the coming decades.The unique qualities and sensitivities of the new generation of children being born.Tricia shares a teaching afte