Grace Church

Jesus’ Revolutionary Perspective on Family | Growing Our Church Family | Week 1



Jesus’ revolutionary perspective on family: Matthew 12:46-50   Big Idea – Jesus prioritized the spiritual family over the biological family.    Mark 10:28-30  John 19:26-27   Three distinguishing markers of Jesus’ new family 1. We are unified by our discipleship not our bloodline (Jn 13:34-35) 2. We are fueled by our selflessness not our individual success (Mt 23:11-12)   Letter to Diognetus  4 lifestyle choices people marveled at   the complete absence of racism.   a high view of life.  a countercultural view of sex.  eye-popping generosity.  3. We are known for our diversity and not our commonalities (Acts 11:26)  Next Steps.   Come back for the whole series.   Join a Life Group  Lead a Life Group  Find all life group resources at   Find all our series resources and YouVersion plan at