Living Springs Q&a

Q&A #304- Married pastors, Quotable God, Hebrews and Jesus, and maybe more!



Q&A episode #304 Marks Pastor Doug's return from sabbatical! Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. Do you need to be married to be a pastor?2. What lens do you use when reading the Old Testament to discern what is literally God’s word when he is attributed a quotation (I.e. “God said …”) vs. what is someone’s (the author’s) overextension to have an excuse to destroy another nation and/or take all their stuff? Should every quote attributed to God be assumed that He actually said it 3. The writer of Hebrews seems to indicate very clearly that he/she does not think Jesus is God, but is the son of God (firstborn). Is this to make Jesus seem not like the Messiah? I can’t figure this out. Thank you.