Leaving Mormonism For Christ - Brent Parkin

Episode 2: Abuse in the Mormon Mission Field



This podcast is about my experiences in the Mormon Mission field, abuse by the Mission President, and the mind control tactics used to convert investigators. Please know that I love the Mormon People, but I feel called to the work in exposing the truth about the Mormon Church and reaching out to Mormons and Ex Mormons to share the pure gospel of Jesus Christ and His amazing grace. Leaving Mormonism for Christ is not just a podcast, it's a ministry. We serve all in need of help, regardless of their faith or lifestyle, but welcome all to join the Body of Christ! We will help you with your resignation letter, contact local Mormon leaders who ignore requests or abuse, and provide a Christian Exit Coach to stand by your side if you wish to confront your local leader, but need support. We teach Christian Congregations how to love the Mormon People and how to teach and fellowship them without offending, while warning Christians of the dangers of Mormon Church Doctrine, Leadership, History, Missionary Conversio