Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

Names Written in the Earth



Jeremiah 17:13 — In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:13 titled “Names Written in the Earth,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones makes a clear and bold statement: sin is deliberate. When sinning, a person knows that they are rebelling against a holy God. The first people lived with God in the garden and knew God personally. It was in this state, Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues, that humankind knowingly disobeyed God. Moreover, circumstances now remind people of God when they have put Him out their minds. Take for example those who are faced with death or suffering: how often do they hear the unbeliever praying out of last resort when they suffer greatly? When this happens, it shows the world that they knew all along that God is sovereign and still they rebel. Dr. Lloyd-Jones elaborates that not only does humanity rebel against God deliberately, they do so while God is providing breath to their lungs and sustenance to their bones. It was not in a desert and famine that people originally opposed God, but rather it was in paradise that the