Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Manifestation of Sin



Jeremiah 17:11 — In this sermon on the manifestation of sin from Jeremiah 17:11, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the essential problem with humanity, namely, pride. Humanity is convinced that they are smart enough and can handle their own problems. They can understand their own issues and deal with them. They don’t need God to explain their predicament or give help. Moreover, humankind thinks that it can get away with sin. Why does someone look back and forth before stealing a cookie from a cookie jar? It is because they know it is wrong, and at the same time they think they can get away with it. However, no one will “get away” with sin. God sees every sinful act and covetous heart. Notice, too, that anyone who cheats or steals also measures success by dollars rather than by character. And so not only do they lose out on character and basic morality, but they also lose sight of what is important in life. At the end of the day, a thief trades in morality in order to gain material goods. Meanwhile, Jesus asks,