

Jeremiah 17:5-8 — What is truly in the heart of people? What is the mind really like? In this sermon on Jeremiah 17:5–8 titled “A Life in Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that everyone is born in sin and darkness. This is found all throughout Scripture, beginning with the fall in Genesis and ending in the final judgment in Revelation. So much of the world’s suffering stems from humankind rejecting God and replacing His ways with their own. They scorn the very word of God that offers hope to those blinded by Satan. The wickedness of the human heart can only be overcome by the miracle of regeneration. This transformation turns a wicked enemy of God into a forgiven child of God. It is then that Christians can live as new creatures who seek what is holy, pure, and godly. They no longer walk the broad road of destruction, but now they follow the narrow path with all its hardships and struggle as children of God who faithfully await the return of Christ.