Matthew Steffen's Podcast

7 Things That Kill Employee Motivation



This week, Matthew Steffen teaches us what not to do to increase revenue with regard to employee interaction: -Hiring Outsiders – Always promote from within. -No Feedback – Even the U.S.. Army knows the importance of employee morale by the monthly administrating”counseling statements” which are essentially performance evaluations. -Public Scrutiny – Never deliberately confront an employee about poor performance in public. Humiliation has no place in business. -Casual Fridays – When the king farts, the entire kingdom begins to stink. Hey, that was pretty good. Write that one down. -Inconsistency – Why work for a buck today when tomorrow it might be a dime? -Image – If your company has a bad image, your employees will not feel comfortable, nor motivated. - I Have No Idea – Ask your employees!