Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders

004 Secular Beats



In this podcast we talk about Romans 14, which I believe is God's solution for the conflict about using Secular beats vs. Christian produced beats. Love you and Christ bless!   Ricardo Butler aka ReAsOn DiSciPLe Music Business Strategist | Hip-Hop Ministry Developer | Author/Blogger | Founder of: - Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders (R.E.A.L.) Website @ http://www.ricardoequips.com/home Blog @ http://www.ricardoequips.com/ Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/RicardoEquipsLeaders Mastermind Group @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/fivefoldhiphopexecs/ Twitter @ http://twitter.com/RicardoEquips   "Equipping Five Fold Lyricists to Impact and Influence the Hip-Hop Ministry, Industry, and Culture!"   PS. If you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way, feel free to write me @ Ricardo@ricardoequips.com   Also, please share these with your social circles and again subscribe and leave a comment!