Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders

002 Record Label, Music Ministry, Or Both Book Promo with Hidden Song



I have released a new hip-hop ministry and business eBook called Record Label, Music Ministry, or Both? It is designed for Holy-Hip Hop Artists who wrestle with making a decision to function as a music ministry (free services) or a music business (paid services). I teach these music ministers how to actually combine both by deciding from the beginning to either to function as a ministry first with a business element second or to function as a business first with a ministry element second. I explain that combining both will bring even greater glory to God, fulfillment to the artist as part of their calling, blessing to their family, financial support to the Body of Christ and impact on the hip-hop ministry, industry, and culture. If you are enjoying these podcasts, be sure to subscribe here and leave a comment at the bottom.   Love you and Christ bless!   Ricardo Butler aka ReAsOn DiSciPLe Leadership Developer, Teacher, and Founder of: - Ricardo Equips Artistic Leaders (R.E.A.L.) Website @ http://www.ricardo