Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR S.2017 Ep.10 Heaven Candy featuring comedians Andy Miller and Shannon Koyano



What are some of your biggest fears? Sharks? Nuclear war? The Boogie Man? Mayonnaise? Everyone has different things that they dread, but one thing that we bet is high on a lot of people's lists is Public Speaking! Standing up in front of all those people, we worry "What if I forget what I'm supposed to be saying?", or "What if they all laugh at me?!" Well, our guests on this newest episode of Candy Teeth Radio don't have to worry about that second question! Join us as we talk to Shannon Koyano and Andy Miller - in addition to being our friends and perennial favorites here at Candy Teeth, they both happen to be hilarious comedians! We never know what to expect from these two, and they never disappoint! And they bring snacks! You're invited to come hang out with us as we talk with them about everything from finger knives to nunchucks, and we even have a clip of Andy doing a set while totally drunk! We also have a thought-provoking "Question From the Weird Beard" for them, and a brief revelation from the Weird B