Lilly Natures Blessings' Podcast

Negative vs Positive



Negative thoughts are incredible toxic to the physical body. It can affect the organs, the heart in particular, the immune system. Negative unsupported thinking that creates internal madness that manifests into our external world. By polluting our bodies and surroundings with negativity we pollute our Earth… If you watch too much TV and specially news or fear based programs your aura will vibrate low and entities will make themselves at home into your energy field. Change your vibration when that happens!For every murder, rape, robbery, accident, etc there are thousands of acts of kindness, generosity and love but they are not called the “NEWS”… Media is polluting our atmosphere! All we need is BALANCE! That’s all! Our essence is LOVE and the power to change every negative into positive is by tapping into that unlimited source of Love!