

Episode 11 is the most epic yet, nearly as epic as the climax of HBP! (and perhaps a bit longer too...). This episode, we will be discussing the new Japanese preview/trailer and a possible HBP running time. Then we move on to the list where we will be dicussing FOUR chapters this time, including the last two leaked scripts ever. And we won't be discussing just any old chapters; this week we have the meaty chapters: The Seer Overheard, The Cave, The Lightning-Struck Tower and then The Flight of the Prince! On that note, we move on to our first discussion point segment where this episode we discuss the climax of the film in general. You could say our main theme this episodes is 'endings' which is iroinc since this episode seems to never end... News and List and Discussion, OH MY!!! Release Date: February 1, 2009 Runtime: 2:31:41 Hosts: Aaron, Scott, Brit, Rachel, Vince, Dylan List Chapters: 25. The Seer Overheard, 26. The Cave, 27. The Lightning-Struck Tower, 28. Flight of the Prince Discussion: The Clima