Golf Reviews

Golf Training Aids Reviewed - The Mental Game of Golf Part One - Podcast #17



Jon Stabler, President of Golf Psych This is the best mental golf lesson you will ever hear Through their work with over 350 Tour players since 1981, the GolfPsych's Champion Training Program has discovered what works and what doesn't. They have learned that your personality is unique and your solutions will be unique to you and your game. Their research on the best players in the world found that there are 8 Champion Personality Traits for golf. They are the only ones that matter and they are critical to your success. Each week Scott Paton and Colin Goehring discuss the latest news from the world of Golf and review new products, golf courses and ore. This week, they are proud to bring you an hour long discussion with John Stabler of Golf Psych. Learn how to shave 20 to 30% off your Handicap. Length: 35:54 Technorati Tags: Tiger Woods, golf, Golf Instruction, Sports, Golf News, Golf Equipment. <><><><><><><><><><><><><>&