Pacey Performance Podcast

Maximising the use of asymmetry data for profiling, rehab and fatigue monitoring with Chris Bishop



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Dr. Chris Bishop, Associate Professor at Middlesex University delves deep into the intricacies of asymmetries, exploring their relevance and implications across various aspects of sports performance. Chris dissects the misconceptions and misunderstandings associated with asymmetry metrics, emphasizing the need for context-aware analysis and a balanced perspective. The conversation delves into the practical challenges faced by practitioners and researchers in interpreting asymmetry data obtained from jump testing and other performance assessments. Chris' insights shed light on the limitations of relying solely on asymmetry metrics as a predictive tool and the importance of considering individual biomechanical factors and sports-specific demands. As the episode goes on, Chris navigates the listeners through the nuances of correlating asymmetry metrics with broader performance outcomes. He addresses the common pitfalls of overreliance on correlations and offers v