Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Experience of Ezekiel



Ezekiel 1:28 — Christians can feel that their testimony or walk with God has not been as dramatic as that of other people or the prophets of the Old Testament. Perhaps they feel they know a lot about God, but unsure if they have ever experienced Him on a personal level. In this sermon on Ezekiel 1:28 titled “The Experience of Ezekiel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones uses the example of Ezekiel to show the importance of experience in the Christian life. Without having experienced God, there is no hope that one has ever been saved from their sins. But that begs the question: what does this experience look like? Listeners will be challenged to examine their own lives and see if they have been humbled by experiencing the holiness of God that drives a person to their knees. These experiences look different for everyone, but the outcome always looks the same and that is a life marked by walking with God.