

Jeremiah 36:2-3 — Turning away from God has terrible consequences. Look no further than the Old Testament to see how the Israelites turned away from God and suffered terrible disaster. In this sermon on Jeremiah 36:2-3, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the need for all men to turn to God, and the consequences of not doing so. The Israelites had been delivered out of bondage and were in a special relationship with God, yet they rebelled and turned away from Him. Because of this, God brought judgement upon them as punishment for their sins. You may ask: what does this have to do with me? The answer is that Israel was like all men, living in sin and rebellion against God. Fallen humans naturally love sin more than they love God. Yet God has provided salvation and true forgiveness through Jesus Christ! No one is beyond salvation and redemption from all sin and evil. God has made a way for all the wayward and lost to be found. Do you trust in this Gospel? Or are you like the ancient Israelites, lost and wanderi