Sbs Romanian - Sbs In Limba Romana

A hearty meal brings the household together - O masa sanatoasa aduce familia impreuna



A national survey shows four in five Australians believe a hearty meal brings the household together - yet more than half are too stressed at work to cook the evening meal. A study commissioned by Australian Lamb has found about two thirds of respondents felt guilty about using food delivery apps. - Un recent sondaj national de opinie arata ca desi patru din cinci australieni considera ca o masa gustoasa si mai ales, sanatoasa, apropie membri familiei, peste jumatate dintre respondenti afirma ca sunt mult prea stresati la lucru, pentru a mai gati masa de seara, cand se intorc acasa. Studiul, comandat de compania ‘Australian Lamb’ arata deasemneea ca doua treimi dintre respondenti s-au simtit vinovati de comandarea mancarii prin intermediul unor aplicatii pe Internet sau pe telefonul mobil