The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

026: 5 Keys to Breaking Bad Habits



Admit it. Just like everybody else, your 2016 New Year's resolutions are already in the toidy. (That's a technical term.) And for most of us,  those resolutions dealt with habits we've acquired and want to get rid of like smoking, drinking, or Jazzercise. Then there are those virtuous habits we want to acquire. Virtuous habits will get their own podcast at a later date. Since most of us remain in the "I've got to stop this or it's going to kill me!" or "I'm tired of confessing this same thing over and over" mode, I want to give you 5 key ideas to help you overcome sinful habits so you can spiritually grow and rocket your way to God. Enjoy! Matt Click here to grab a copy of my free pdf 8 Ways To Jumpstart Your Prayer Life. It's not too late to make a new, New Year's resolution that really change your life!