The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

025: Why Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant



I've made no bones about the fact that Mary was easily the most difficult issue I faced in becoming Catholic. This show is about the scriptural argument that got me over the hump. In the last two episodes (23 & 24), we dealt with the Immaculate Conception. This time, we're going to fill in some background on the Ark of the Covenant from the Old Testament, and then explore the stunning parallels laid out by the Gospel of Luke between that original Ark and the Virgin Mary. Like I said, the dots I'm about to connect are one major reason I fully embraced Church teaching on Our Lady. It's pretty powerful stuff. But as they say on infomercials...That's not all!" I'm also going to drop a really cool insight from Pope Benedict XVI about Mary's Visitation to Elizabeth that I recently heard at Mass. It literally made me "oooh" out loud. (Trust me when I say there are very few things I ever hear in the cry room that make me say "ooooh"...unless you're referring to every time a one-year-old licks the mirror on the do