The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

024: Part 2 – How To Explain the Immaculate Conception from the Bible



The more you understand it, the more you realize the Immaculate Conception is a fundamental part of the Gospel message. And, yes, it's in the Bible...big time. This is part 2 of what I started in Episode 23. This episode is going to focus on the Angel Gabriel's encounter with Mary in the Annunciation scene from Luke chapter 1. Far more than just a classic scene in every school's Christmas play, it's a necessary scene in the drama of salvation. And it demonstrates the fact that Mary was conceived without sin. Of course, there are always people who will object. St. Thomas Aquinas himself declared that Mary was conceived with original sin in his famous Summa Theologica. So I'm also going to answer some of the common objections to the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, and show why objectors shouldn't be so quick to use Thomas for their position of dissent. I promise this is a very, very interesting and informative show. You're going to walk away with a greater appreciation for the amazing role Our Lady plays in