The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

017: The Bible and the Church Fathers



We all want to know where we come from. What are our biological roots? Who are we related to? People spend a lot of money every year tracing their family tree (hoping it forks!). As Christians, we should desire to know our family tree, too. Like in our natural families, we should want to know who has gone before us in the Faith and what they believed. We should want to know our history. Now's our chance. In this Art of Catholic episode, I'm featuring the first half of Lesson One of The Bible and the Church Fathers. This study is part of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology's Journey Through Scripture Bible study program...and you're going to love it. It's a great primer on the men upon whose shoulders we stand. I've been presenting Journey Through Scripture all over the country (and world) for more than eight years. While I wrote the study, much of it is based upon Mike Aquilina's book The Fathers of the Church (3rd edition). As I mentioned, what you're about to hear is part 1 of Lesson One, which is tit