The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

013: The Question of Hell with Dr. Michael Healy



"Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen" We say that "Fatima prayer" at the end of every decade in the rosary. But what exactly are we begging deliverance from? This is probably the deepest podcast I've done to date. How could it not be when dealing with the scariest topic in the world...hell. Nobody wants to think about eternal damnation, but many of us have questions like: Does hell actually exist? How is a place of eternal, unending pain and punishment compatible with a God of perfect love and mercy? How can we be truly happy in heaven if those we love are suffering in hell? Is it possible we'll all end up in heaven eventually? Do some people actually choose hell? Is it true that the constant repetition of Barry Manilow's greatest hits play a role in eternal suffering? To answer these questions and more, I've brought in Dr. Michael Healy, a professor of philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville.