Coach Pep Talk

Get Targeted Coaching Leads from Google with your Content (With Pol Cousineau)



Pol Cousineau is the charming, spiritual and humble President of a little American company called The Digital Navigator. Pol’s an expert in pretty much everything to do with selling your coaching online because he’s trained with the best online marketers. On top of that being a Canadian CPA Auditor licensed in Quebec, makes him a total wiz at interpreting the data and stats that sit beneath the surface of our business websites. He easily sees stories in your data that just look like a bunch of numbers to the average person. In this interview Pol and I were specifically looking for Pol to teach us Coaches how to get leads organically from Google. It’s something he helped me and my team with in 2018 and I was so impressed with the strategy (AND the fact that you can get more ongoing ‘FREE’ leads with not too much effort) that I thought it would be good to share the love. I can tell you that he delivered the goods and shared specific action items you can use to grow your coaching business – prepare to be in