Blending The Family With Tommy Maloney

EP 244 Michael Ray



Michael is the author of ‘Who Knew?”, LinkedIn Top Ten in Gender Equity Voices 2022, Presenter, and Public Speaker but first and foremost a solo dad. Michael’s journey has encouraged him to break the mould of male stereotypes, overcome male stigmas, and allow men and fathers to focus on actively raising their children. Topics: Being a unicorn Nightly Job Performances  The real athletes in the house, and we are not talking about the male in the house.   LINKS: MICHAEL Ray  An Ordinary Dad Having An Extraordinary Amount Of Fun!   Welcome to Blending the Family; I am your podcast host, Tommy Maloney.   What exactly is this podcast Blending the Family about? Great question.   Yes, the title might sometimes fool you, as I do talk about blended families, bonus parenting, and mental health. To name a few topics.   What is bonus parenting, you might ask? In our family, we believe the word