Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless Cutaway




Oh my, how did this happen? The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse had it's origins way back in 2006 when I was trying to come up with a way to participate in my 1st & favorite podcast of the time Doctor Who: Podshock. I made a few initial entries before the rest of my life caught up with me. Thus began a production hiatus that lasted until 2009. I was out of the "game" so to speak because I was actually without a computer of my own for much of 2007 up until spring 2009. Thanks to Cat (@fancyfembot) I was finally brought out of retirement and "properly" introduced to the production side of making a podcast. The Sci-Fi Party Line podcast was my first opportunity to really flex & hone in my podcast audio editing/producing skills. Enter Bridging the Rift: Just last night, as I'm writing this, I was listening to Bridging the Rift #14. I was very surprised when I suddenly heard co-host Nat (@thirtysix) mention my humble Doctor Who audio project HHG2W. He reiterated an idea I had been pondering myself fo