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AP 525: How to Make Cleaning Easier: My Practical System for Better Managing your Home, No Perfection Required



I have had my fair share of personal struggles with feeling inadequate in the face of unrealistic cleaning standards and the never-ending list of household chores. And while I know that a clean and organized environment impacts our well-being I also know that it doesn't have to be perfect. This episode includes my personal tips for living "cleanish," which is a more realistic approach to cleaning that can make things easier for all of us. I'll explain how to create a personal cleaning manifesto to help you define your cleaning priorities, plus, thought-provoking questions to assist in this process. I've also created a "Cleanish Game Plan" to help you take essential cleaning tasks and simplify, break down, and systemize them. As always, I encourage flexibility and that it's okay if things don't always go as planned. I hope my honest take on cleaning and homemaking helps you discover practical ways to love where you live. Episode References: Greg McKeown, Tracy McCubbin, Carly Adams Finding Me Academy My FREE