The Georgia Politics Podcast

Why both the left and right hate Henry Kissinger



Welcome to The Georgia Politics Podcast! On the show today we discuss the rare example of someone roundly despised by both ends of the political spectrum. Henry Kissinger was born in Germany in 1923, and is a prominent figure in the realm of international diplomacy and American politics. Henry Kissinger's early years were marked by adversity. Fleeing Nazi persecution, his family emigrated to the United States in 1938, where they settled in New York City. Despite facing the challenges of adapting to a new culture and language, Kissinger excelled academically. He attended Harvard University, where he pursued a Bachelor's degree in political science and later a Ph.D. in government. His academic prowess foreshadowed the intellectual depth that would become a hallmark of his diplomatic career. In the early 1950s, Kissinger joined the faculty at Harvard and began crafting his influential theories on foreign policy and international relations. His 1957 book, "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy," established him as a