Pacey Performance Podcast

Working in women’s football: Injury prevention, game demands and menstrual cycle tracking



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast Rob is speaking to three experts in the area of women's football, Strength and Conditioning Coach at Manchester United Women, Jack Clover, Reader in Sports Performance at Leeds Beckett, Stacey Emmonds, and Head of Sport Science at The Matildas, Jack Sharkey. One of the central discussions revolves around menstrual cycle monitoring and its relevance to training and performance. They emphasize the importance of understanding menstrual health beyond just phase-based training, shedding light on the broader spectrum of menstrual-related issues and their impact on athletes' well-being and availability. The trio also tackles the challenge of setting appropriate training thresholds for female athletes in an environment where the demands are constantly evolving. They highlight the need for a more tailored approach and collaboration within the women's football community to establish science-based standards. Eccentric training, often a hot topic in sports science, is exam