Peter Esho Podcast

Reducing Stress and Delegating Better



I recently caught up with with Snezana Djuric to discuss the nuances of CEO coaching. We delved deep into two primary challenges that I've observed many CEOs, including myself, grapple with: managing stress and the intricacies of delegation. Together we explore the significance of clarity, suggesting that understanding the root cause of stress is the first step towards managing it. By simply documenting our concerns, we can gain a clearer perspective, helping transition from a state of overwhelm to one of control. Delegation was another focal point of our conversation. I've often felt the urge to complete tasks myself, thinking it's quicker and more efficient. However, Snezana highlighted the long-term benefits of entrusting tasks to team members, allowing them to grow and bring fresh perspectives to the table. Reflecting on our discussion, I'm reminded of the continuous need for clarity in leadership. It's not just about setting goals but consistently revisiting and realigning them wit