Power Station

What the research tells us is that homelessness is primarily an affordable housing problem



What if we looked at homelessness as solvable rather than intractable? What would we do if we considered the 580,000 people who are homeless on any given night in America as having been failed, as opposed to being failures? That is the perspective that Ann Oliva brings to her leadership of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the organization that inspired her throughout highly productive tenures at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Corporation for Supportive Housing and the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. At the Alliance, Ann is building on an impactful portfolio, from researching how systemic racism pushes marginalized people towards homelessness, to educating lawmakers about public policy solutions to providing community based organizations with hands-on assistance to advancing communications about homelessness. Ann remains hopeful in large part because she knows what is possible. She knows that bold federal investment in affordable housing, at scale, is the real soluti