Beth Ariel La Podcast

What Does it Mean to be a Witness for Messiah?



Message from Shabbat service at Tarzana, September 9, 2023Yeshua's third extended teaching is on his Messianic Sonship (John 5:19-47). In verses 31-47 in Yeshua presents 5 witnesses in defense of his claim to be the Messianic Son. His first witness is the Father (vs.31-32, 37-38). While it is possible that the one spoken of in verse 31 could be that of John the Baptist (vs.33-35), it seems more probable that the Father is meant. Yeshua's second witness is John the Baptist (vs. 33-35). Yeshua points out that John was the herald of the king. John said as much when he was questioned by those sent by the Sanhedrin to investigate John's ministry. He said, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'" quoting Isaiah 40:3 (John 1:23).The third witness to Yeshua's claim to be the Messianic Son is that of his works (vs.36). The works that Yeshua is to accomplish are no ordinary works. They are the "very works that the Father has given m