Black On Black Cinema

He Got Game - Episode 249



This week on Black on Black Cinema, the crew returns to discuss the 1998 Spike Lee film, "He Got Game" starring Denzel Washington and Ray Allen. The film explores the intricate dynamics of the Shuttlesworth family, centered around the promising high-school basketball player, Jesus Shuttlesworth. Jesus is at a crossroads, pursued by the nation's top college basketball programs while navigating the return of his father, Jake, a convicted felon released temporarily to persuade him to join the governor's alma mater - "Big State."As the father and son grapple with a troubled past marked by loss, anger, and resentment, we witness flashbacks revealing the intense basketball training Jesus underwent under Jake and the tragic night that changed their lives forever. Parallel to the Shuttlesworth's story runs a heartfelt subplot of Dakota Barns, a woman trapped in a cycle of abuse, finding solace and aid in Jake, fostering a connection that speaks to the themes of redemption and hope.Despite the turmoil and the gravity