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Life-Saving Legislation: changing the rules around rescue glucagon



Most of us wouldn’t think twice about using someone else’s emergency glucagon if our child or another adult needed it. But that’s something a school nurse or other health care provider could lose their license over. Now, some states are passing legislation to make it easier for anyone to use any one’s rescue glucagon. We talk to Georgia State Rep. Doug Stoner and his wife, Trip Stoner, a long-time diabetes advocate who lives with type 1 about what they were able to get passed in their state, what you can do to take action in yours, and what they’re planning next to help people with diabetes. Find your legislators here  Read Georgia's glucagon bill here  Contact Doug here: Rep.DougStoner@gmail.com Moms' Night Out Registration is OPEN Please visit our Sponsors & Partners - they help make the show possible! Take Control with Afrezza  Omnipod - Simplify Life Learn about Dexcom  Check out VIVI Cap to protect your insulin from extreme temperatures Learn more about AG1 from Athletic Greens  Drive research that