Power Station

Elections have consequences



If we have learned anything since 2016 it is that elections have consequences. Donald Trump was not the first politician whose worldview is steeped in racism, misogyny, and anti-immigrant ideology. But he is an outlier in using his platform to undermine our democratic systems and encourage violence. In this episode of Power Station, Daria Dawson, Deputy Executive Director, and National Political Director of America Votes, recalls her path to her current role, including her parent’s commitment to voting and civic engagement and her life as an on-the-road political campaign warrior. America Votes, the coordination hub for progressive organizations whose missions include protecting and expanding the right of all Americans to vote, sees itself as a behind-the-scenes player. It makes sense when you understand that it was founded by and continues to grow a powerful cohort of progressive local and national organizations, from labor unions to Black, Latino and AAPI civil rights groups, trusted messengers for their co