Living Springs Q&a

Q&A #307- Peleg and division, Babel and the flood, Abrahamic Family House, and maybe more!



In episode #307 Pastors Doug, Kyle, and Blake discuss the following:1. Less than 200 years after the flood,, Peleg was born, and Genesis 10 says his name means Division because “in his day, the earth was divided”. My Bible uses earth when they men the physical earth. Is it possible this is talking about the division of the continents?2. Further to the question on earth division: do we know whether Babel occurred before or after the flood and could God have physically divided the earth to keep the populations scattered? How else could God have “scattered them all over the face of the earth”?3. What are your thoughts on the Abrahamic Family House, Pope Francis' involvement, one world religion and how it relates to scripture. The website mentions a "Higher Committee of Human Fraternity" and it consists of "a mosque, church, synagogue, and educational center" and it's goal is to support peace and unity. Revelation 17:1–18 references to several characteristics of the one-world religion and the term "harlot" used t