Crazy Town

Bonus: Going Wild with Rae Wynn-Grant



Wildlife ecologist and communicator extraordinaire Rae Wynn-Grant visits Crazy Town to talk human-wildlife interactions, the social side of environmentalism, diversity and equity in the sciences, and ideas for young people (don't worry if you're older—the ideas apply to you, too). Rae is the host of the PBS Nature podcast "Going Wild" and will soon be appearing as the cohost of Wild Kingdom, a reboot of the ultra-classic tv nature show. Listen to the end of the episode to catch Rae’s thoughts on the most important stories people need to hear (and tell) to make a transition to sustainable and just society. Notes and Resources:Rae’s websiteThe podcast: Going Wild with Dr. Rae Wynn-GrantRae discussed how Ayana Elizabeth Johnson influenced her.Rae also highlighted the work of Leah Thomas on intersectional environmentalism.Doris Duke Conservation Scholars ProgramNational Geographic HBCU Media ScholarshipArticle about the reboot of the Wild Kingdom television seriesSupport the show