The Meb Faber Show

Top Podcasts of 2022: Rob Arnott & Campbell Harvey, Whitney Baker, Harris “Kuppy” Kupperman, Marc Cohodes, & Peter Zeihan | #461



Today we’re sharing our 5 most popular episodes from 2022! We know it’s hard to listen to every episode, so we have the most downloaded episodes for you right here! If you click the link in the description below, you can jump to the episode you want to listen to. Here are the top 5 in no specific order: 1. In August, we were joined by both Rob Arnott & Professor Cam Harvey to hear why they didn’t expect to go down as fast as the market was pricing at the time 2. Only one person made it on the show twice this year, and that’s none other than Whitney Baker! After she nailed the macro landscape back in January, we had to have Whitney back on the show to give us an update of how she sees the world today. 3. Energy prices soared in the first half of 2022, and have since cooled off. But I spoke with my man Harris Kupperman, who you may know as Kuppy, in October on why he is as bullish as he could possibly be. 4. Soon after FTX filed for bankruptcy, I spoke with famed short-seller Marc Cohodes, who talked about the