Yes Music Podcast

Rolling with Brian Chatton – The Warriors, Jon Anderson, Patrick Moraz, Keith Emerson and other stories – 599



Produced by Joseph Cottrell, Jeffrey Crecelius and Ken Fuller Thanks to YMP Patron Doug Curran, we were able to speak to Brian Chatton this week. A friend of and collaborator with Jon Anderson since the 1960s, Brian has indeed 'Rolled with Rock Royalty' and our conversation shed light on a variety of eras of Yes and the other bands and artists Brian has been associated with. No single interview with Brian could possibly scratch the surface of his extraordinary life and career so do check out his amazing book: When did Brian meet Jon Anderson? How did a boy from Bolton survive in Germany? What did Brian get up to with Keith Emerson? Let us know if you agree with us! Spot the Yes men with Brian... Yes - The Tormato Story Available now! YMP Patrons: Producers: Joseph Cottrell Ken Fuller Jeffrey Crecelius Patrons: Jim Morrison Jon