Sideshow With Mel & Shana

XmasYule Part 3 - An 1894 Power Tool Grievance & The Worst Place to Hide a Body



Grab some hot chocolate and maybe some whiskey, because you’re in for an exciting ride on the Christmas Murder Train Express as Mel and Shana take a shallow dive into the wonderful world of horrible tragedies that have happened on or around Christmas. What drives a man to kill his neighbor on Christmas? Was it over money or an 1894 power tool? And who remembers the old tradition of bragging about your sexual prowess on Christmas to your buddies? Anyone? No? Or how about a Christmas Slay Ride? What is the one thing that Mel daydreams about while Shana is telling her stories? Just where exactly IS the worst place to hide a body on Christmas? (I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with Smishmas Knee) All of these questions are answered and much much more in this episode! If you like what you hear and have stories to tell us or just want to make a suggestion for our next episode, email us at: Visit our Facebook page at: F