So It's A Show?: Keeping Up With The Gilmore Girls

ep 83: Nothing wouldn't wear a leather jacket and pull off a convincing "Adrian!” would it? (Rocky)



Yo, Adrian! We’ve got on our leather jackets and filled our glasses full of raw eggs to talk about another Best Picture winner. We want to know why Lorelai thinks Jess Mariano is like Rocky Balboa, the classic sports underdog hero from a writer/director who lived out a Cinderella story. We talk about a bunch of sequels, a famous statue, and a dog named Butkus. And while we were trying to get “Gonna Fly” out of our heads, we also found some unexpected connections between the two actors playing the characters Lorelai is comparing. Other pop culture we ref: Citizen Kane, The Godfather, This Is Us, Matt Damon, Charlie Chaplin, Black Panther So it's a show? Tumblr ( up for our TinyLetter! (