Hosts Of Eden

A Little Light



(FICTION) In episode 7 of Hosts of Eden, psychiatrist Dr. Marian Turner and her patient Johnny make their way to the Comic Bookstore to see what conspiracy theorist Andrew Scott can tell them. They discovered Andrew Scott in an online video that describes symbols that Shelby drew earlier. In the video, Andrew hastily described that the symbol was affiliated with an ancient cult that could transfer souls from one body to another. Dr. Marian now believes her patient who she initially believed to be multiple personality disorder may, in fact, be something else. It's a long shot, but they really have no other ideas. They confront Andrew about drawings and demand he reveals the truth behind them with the hopes that they learn something that’ll thwart the imposter-President. The imposter-President of the United States continues to push the nation towards World War III as the real Ronald Fillmore is stuck in Johnny’s body with three other personalities, Johnny, Johnny-Mason, and Johnny-Shelby. Andrew takes them into