Canyon Springs Church

"Transforming Culture", Chad Richards, (9/10/23)



Canyon Springs was planted in 1998 with a simple dream: reach people far from God and create a church where you could invite friends and family. Since then, Canyon Springs has grown to baptize and reach 1000’s of people with one simple message: It’s about the one. We believe that a relationship with Jesus can transform your life. We are a church on a mission to transform San Diego and make an impact domestically and internationally. The vision for this next season of Canyon Springs is rooted in one word: Transformation. The testimonies of transformation in our church are endless. From fostering and adopting kids to students committing their lives to Jesus at our youth Summer Camps and teams traveling to remote places to share the word of Jesus, Canyon Springs has always been a place where love shows its face. Jesus is in the business of complete and total transformation. He does not want just one piece of your heart; he wants it all! There is a plethora of transformations going on right now at Canyon Springs.